JJ Cost Keeping Inc.
By Jocelyne Devisser
The FUN-damentals Of Business Financial Administration For Entrepreneurs!

• Are you a Solopreneur and you are very good at what you do in the front end but struggle so much with the back end?
• Are you freaking out with the piles of Paperwork, it stresses you that you hate office work and seems time-consuming and so complicated?
• Are you lost with too many computer tools to use and to know them all well, you procrastinate the finances & management of your business because of the fear and discomfort that it brings you?
• Are you feeling pretty discouraged with your to-do list because the more you do, the bigger the list gets?
• Are you feeling so lost and overwhelmed that you just would like to outsource this part of your business because it’s not why you got into the business in the first place, but you can’t afford to have someone or a full team to do it for you?
The only way to end this struggle is to get surrounded by a virtual team, which include a professional, to help you with the back end of your business. Once you have that team, you will never deal with this level of stress again and you will feel fully supported and at peace with your office work.
This is why we created “Your Virtual executive team membership” program.
In this program, you will discover how to:
Get solutions to your challenges;
Get answers to your questions;
Be aware of the unknown, because remember you don’t know what you don’t know;
Attack your to-do list;
Get clarity instead of feeling blind most of the time;
Gain efficiency and productivity;
Be more focus and earn more money;
Save money & have your finances under control.
Through gathering all the members together 3 times per month (1h each time), in virtual meeting, training & brainstorming sessions, your virtual executive team teaches, helps and supports you with your office struggles. You will never feel alone again while on your own. You will learn what you don’t know and get clarity, peace, and ease with the back end of your business. In bonus, you will belong to a new community that you'll be able to access at any time, through a private FB group, where you can ask for feedback or collaborate with other members.
Stop suffering by doing it all on your own. It’s time to end the struggle and get your own virtual executive team and finally feel empowered and rock the front AND the back end of your business!
The membership is $50.00 USD per month with no entrance fee at this time (but will in the future). You can get free months by referring people to the program and/or by paying ahead for the whole year.
Any questions? Please email us at info@jjcostkeeping.com
Interested? Please click on the subscribe button below to join.